
  • Luanda Francine Garcia da Costa Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa



Dove, Precariousness, Ungrievable lives, Gaze, City


Supported by a situated conjuncture with a singular real living and through the articulation of testimony, speculative narrative and formal thought, I propose with this testimony to question, beyond the framework of anthroponormativity, the encounter and mismatch with a pigeon in an intense condition of precariousness in a central region of Lisbon, in order to give it a place of grievable life among the human community and thus bring some elements of analysis of the place of non-recognition of animals that are more than human as lives that can be mourned, as participants in and belonging to our society, especially with regard to the way we create and manage cities, and organise ourselves in them.


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Dossier "Animals and Organizations"