
  • Renata Couto de Azevedo de Oliveira Unigranrio



Dyke Visibility, Communicative Capitalism, Biopolitical Patriarchal Marketing, Algorithm Censorship, Queer Theories


In this essay we approach how patriarchal biopolitical marketing in the context of communicative capitalism and associated with communication and information technologies, in particular social networks, censorship lesbians who fight for visibility in those networks. We discussed the relationship between censorship and algorithmic governmentality, and analyzed the issues involved in this process marked by platformization, datification and dataism, revealing exclusions, marginalizations, and injustices within the scope of technoculture. Using the queer perspective to reflect on the struggle for visibility, we suggest some strategies to question the heteronormativity from which censorship arises.


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Dossiê "Corporalidades e diversidade de gênero/sexualidade"