PERT, Tax regularization, Tax installment, Tax amnestyAbstract
This research aims to verify whether there is a relationship between the financial situation of companies and their adherence to special tax installment programs. The object of the study was the Special Tax Regularization Program (Programa Especial de Regularização Tributária, PERT), whose current discussion is moving towards a possible reopening of the program. The initial sample was composed by 300 Brazilian publicly traded companies listed on the Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3). To gauge the financial situation of the companies, 44 financial and market indicators were considered eligible. The statistical technique of logistic regression was used, applying the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Akaike weights and the strength of evidence ratio to assess the quality of fit of the models applied. The results pointed out that the financial factors of liquidity, profitability, and indebtedness, analyzed individually, help explain adherence to installment programs. When taken together, the ration between debt (gross or net) and equity, and the ratio between earnings and price per share, are the best indicators to explain the chances of adherence. The expected contribution of the research is in the identification of explanatory variables for the construction of predictive models by the government, allowing the identification of the real impacts on tax collection, fundamental for the planning of future program launches.
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