Relação entre Eficiência de Mercado e o Problema de Agência em Fundos de Investimentos


  • Jayme Wanderley da Fonte Neto
  • Charles Ulisses De Montreuil Carmona


Investment fund, Market efficiency, Agency problem


   The article is a discussion about market efficiency, comparing realized objectives for investors and the effective profits from an administration of investment funds. The purpose is to investigate if harmony of interests exists between the two. After analyzing the question, the work presented as conclusions the existence of an agency problem. Furthermore, the first ten years of Plano Real had an excessive earning for the responsible management. It was also concluded that if the market is inefficient and volatile, so it is possible that of investment funds administration could be even more.



How to Cite

NETO, J. W. da F.; CARMONA, C. U. D. M. Relação entre Eficiência de Mercado e o Problema de Agência em Fundos de Investimentos. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 99–112, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.