An ageing population is a challenge for every country as the “demographic transition” is about to be an universal phenomenon. In this paper are first analyzed the two main dimensions of this dynamic. The first one is the demographic transition as such. Traditionally stages are defined that are placed in a chronological way. Each country being at different stage. The second dimension is the financing one, as it is necessary to allocate resources in a more efficient way that market forces would do. In a second part, the controversial impact on health care cost will be discussed. It will be demonstrated that the “last wagon” syndrome is nowadays proven. As a result, the rise of the life expectancy will not be such a burden for health insurance, whatever the models (Beveridge or Bismarck) are. To go further in the analysis of policies oriented toward caring elderly, some hints of European policy experience will be given. Beyond the European model ideology, studies show a double divide between South and North and between old and new European Union members. To conclude, the Brazilian situation will be shortly described in the light of the on going dynamic.