Objective: To identify and structure the expenses of the public health system with oncology treatment and discuss the results found in relation to the expenses practiced in other countries. Method: This is a retrospective longitudinal research, between 2008 and 2020. An analysis of the SUS outpatient production costs (DATASUS - SAI) was carried out. Expenditures were classified according to the types of treatment, these variables generated descriptive statistics; an estimate of the average value per treatment session was also calculated. Results: There was an increasing increase from 2008 to 2020 in clinical procedures by SUS, among which, oncology spending represented the second largest allocation. Of total expenditures, palliative chemotherapy procedures - adult holds the largest volume, on the other hand, the lowest disbursements are allocated to nuclear medicine procedures - oncology therapy. Conclusion: In relation to developed countries, Brazil is still shy regarding the allocation of resources to health, especially to procedures with treatment in oncology.